As an anchor in the job seeker's life
In the academic world, fixed-term employment is common. A doctoral position is maybe three years, then you have to apply further. Some want to remain in the academic world, others feel finished there after a few years of intensive research and want to seek their way further into the "ordinary" labor market. It can be a big step into a whole new world for many.
- Many of them do not know how to apply for a job outside the academy. There, for example, a CV can be ten pages long, filled with the customer's research articles published in scientific publications. But it only works there. An important part of what we can contribute is knowledge of what the process of applying for a job outside the academy looks like.
In the first meeting an advisor presents the support that Trygghetsstiftelsen offers - for example job coaching, workshops and webinars, digital services, skills development, starting your own business and financial support.
- I always recommend taking the support of one of our job coaches: Many do not understand what it can give or think it isn’t anything for them. But my experience is that job coaching in combination with our digital services provides the absolute best and shortest way forward to new employment.
Florin Dinu says that he receives emails daily from customers who are happy but above all grateful that they actually took help.
- Someone described it as if our support "was like an anchor in an unstable existence". This is a good description, because what we convey is the security of being available, even if it is the individual who controls and takes their own initiatives. But we are here - always and throughout the journey to the destination.
Gunilla Mild Nygren, freelance writer