The support we can offer
Losing one’s job is often difficult, but it also paves the way for new opportunities. When you are facing a change, we are there to help you find the fastest way to a new job. With the right attitude, you can go far and if you are interested in change, now is the right time!
Seeking work
Have you forgotten how to write a CV, or what to keep in mind for an interview? No worries, we know how and are here to help you with exactly that. Regardless of whether you worked a long time in government activities, whether you earned your PhD or whether your agency is relocating, we will help you on the way to a new job. A common effort is for you to meet a job coach.
Seminars and activities
As a supplement to our job coaching, we at Trygghetsstiftelsen continuously offer seminars and activities. Both on site with us and on our digital education portal. After all, the goal is that you should find new work as soon as possible. Through our activities, you get moving and gain focus in the job search and concrete tips and tricks for what you should do during the process. As a customer, you find information about times and the registration for our seminars and activities on My Pages.
Financial support
If your employment was terminated due to a lack of work, you resigned due to an agency relocation or you had a fixed-term employment that lasted at least three years, you have a right to apply for financial support. The support you can get is an income supplement or an unemployment benefit supplement. The support looks different depending on how long you have been employed. Once you have become a customer, you submit an application on My Pages.
Start your own business
Have you been sitting on an excellent business idea for a long time, but not yet done anything with it? We have professional start-your-own-business coaches who can assess your chances of succeeding. With the right dose of motivation and drive, you can get help in clarifying your plan to take the next step. When you become one of our customers, you gain access to My Pages and there, you can read more about how we can support you if you want to start your own business.